[CESG] SANA Steering Group telecon

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 28 19:13:38 UTC 2015

Dear All,

You should each have received a meeting invitiation for this SANA Steering Group (SSG) telecon, which is currently scheduled on Monday, 11 May, at 0730 AM Pacific, 1030 AM Eastern, and 1630 PM CET.

I have specifically opened this invitation to the CESG because the SSG membership has shrunk due to departures from CCSDS, and also because these topic directly relate to the work in several WG and Areas.   I am asking that the CESG members please try and participate or identify someone from your Area who can represent your interests.

The proposed agenda is:

DRAFT Agenda

     *   Discuss SANA Steering Group membership
     *   Review proposed changes to the SANA Yellow Book (CCSDS 313x0y1)
     *   Review draft Registry Management Policy document (new Yellow Book)

The draft docs for discussion are attached here.    They include some modest changes to the existing SANA ROLE, RESPONSIBILITIES, POLICIES, AND PROCEDURES, CCSDS 313x0y1) and a draft of a new CCSDS Registry Management Policy document.  The SANA document is largely focussed upon the creation and operaiton of the SANA and the role of the SANA operator.   The proposed changes bring it up to date and also align it with the draft Registry Management Policy document.

The proposed Registry Management Policy is focused upon bringing some order to the kinds of registries that we have in the SANA and the responsibilities of the Areas and WG for creating, using, and updating them.  The primary motivation for proposing these changes is that the SANA registry set already contains two different agency registries, and an "originator registry" that may also reference agencies, and a couple of different persons registries.  There is discussion now of adding even more of these "organization" type registries and "person" type registires, as well as other "provider or originator" registries.

Instead of multiplying the number of individual WG, or even Area, registries this approach proposes to manage such global informaiton in a consistent way across CCSDS.  Three different types of registries are identified and discussed.

Best regards, Peter

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