[Ccsds-omg-liaison] [Initial AB Review] Ground Data Delivery Interface (GDDI)

Manfred Koethe koethe at 88solutions.com
Tue Mar 7 23:55:49 UTC 2023


Please find attached an annotated copy of the GDDI document. The quality of the RFP has increased substantially and it is almost good to go. That is good news. Unfortunately I did not receive any advanced copies, as discussed after the last meeting, maybe something went wrong with email.

The only concern I have is your continuous request of a “session- and connection-less” communication. I really URGE you to remove this from the RFP and leave the decision to the submitters. The idea that session- and connection-less transfers are faster is just a long-lasting and persistent illusion.

I really URGE you to remove this from 6.2 and rephrase requirement Actually, your Discussion Issue 6.7.4 contains *EXACTLY* the right idea, which re-phrased should replace requirement Trust in the submitters to make the right technology decision, and do not force them to work with something which actually doesn’t work in reality.

[ in case you question my competence in network technology, in my time at Digital Equipment Corporate Research, I was in charge of real-time communication research, and have implemented complete network stacks for multiple operating systems. ] 

Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Kind regards,

Manfred Koethe
88solutions Corporation
koethe at 88solutions.com
+1 (617) 413-5003 [cell]

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